School of Architecture and Civil Engineering

DFG project
Boundary Effects and Non-Equilibrium States in Pedestrian Dynamics - Experiments and Modeling

The project is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the contract numbers are KL 1873/1-1 and SE 1789/1-1. The grant period is for two years.

The collective dynamic of pedestrians is a lively field of research. From a theoretical point of view it's a complex system with interesting self-organization phenomena and collective effects. It has an important application for the design of pedestrian facilities, ranging from Level of Service concepts to guarantee the compliance with safety regulations. Thus the number of models for pedestrian dynamics has grown in the past years, but the experimental data to test them and to distinguish between these models is still to a large extent controversial and contradictory.


  • large scale experiments
  • automated determination of trajectories with high accuracy
  • development of microscopic models for a quantitative description of collective pedestrian movement

The following partners work together

  • Research Centre Jülich, Prof. Armin Seyfried
  • University of Wuppertal, Prof. W. Klingsch
  • University of Cologne, Prof. A. Schadschneider

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