Computersimulation für Brandschutz und Fußgängerverkehr

Own experiments

Measurements from our own experiments are presented here.

For each experiment the video recordings as well as the resulting trajectories of single pedestrians (accuracy 5 cm) are available. The experiments were arranged under laboratory conditions to focus on the influence of a single variable. For users who are interested in detailed information regarding the setup and results gained by these trajectories (velocity-density relations, dependence of the flow on width and length of the bottleneck, …) we offer links to related papers.

The extraction of pedestrian trajectories from video recordings was done with PeTrack developed by Maik Boltes, see here. We thank Jack Liddle for combining the trajectories gained by different cameras.

The experiments were performed within projects funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG-Grant No. KL 1873/1-1 and SE 1789/1-1) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the programme “Research for Civil Security”.

Contact: Armin Seyfried